Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Living in the Age of AI

 "In the Age of AI" was an eye-opening video. Watching the artificial intelligence learn how to play the game was impressive in the first part of the video. I did not expect the AI to lose a game but it lost one. Usually, AI can pick up on almost every possible move or play in a game and predict it before it happens. This AI made a play at the end of the game that was unexpected and won the game. 

AI is slowly taking over jobs that used to be available to people. The people creating the technology are
trying to focus on efficiency and the best possible way to get tasks done. However, focusing on the benefits of technology is not always a good thing. This technology is taking jobs away from regular people. 

In the video, multiple people discuss the scariness of AI and how it is taking their jobs. While the rich continue to get richer, the poor will get poorer. This idea was mentioned to show how split the public is and how dangerous it is to take away the people's jobs. 

The computers that are taking these jobs are adapting and learning. They obviously work for free which saves the employer money but it does not help those that worked this jobs previously. The more technology advances, the less we need human beings filling available positions. 

Surveillance capitalism is mentioned as a safety precaution for those that use social media and technology. While we may think that we're the ones "using" social media, it is actual "using" us. Certain search engines like Google track our behavior to use this data to predict our interests. This data is used to create advertisement for each user that matches their interests. 

Google's way of predicting peoples search habits was adopted by other social media companies. Facebook started to buy data and use it to advertise certain things to its users. Behavioral prediction takes away the uncertainty of life. Technology can now predict appropriately what your interests are and how to advertise that to you. 

Facebook started to adjust peoples feed, especially during the 2010 election to influence people. They
came out with an "I Voted" icon that would help push you and your friends to vote. This little icon made an impact on over 300 people. Recently, Mark Zuckerberg has gotten into some trouble with how much data they are collecting on people. He said now that they will be developing a safety system that will protect the data of people rather than sharing it. 

AI now is visible in different technologies like Amazon's Alexa and Google's version too. They listen to everything that we say to help collect data to advertise your interests to you. Simply asking every morning "what's the weather like" is training this technology. This privacy violation is scary and unnerving. 

I think that privacy is a huge human right that everyone is allowed. When it is being taken from us or we face challenges against privacy, we should fight back. Technology is advancing faster than we can keep up, however, we can determine how much information we give out. I know that I will start to make up fake information when an application on my phone asks me about something personal. 

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