Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 War is defined as a violent conflict between different nations or states. People generally go to war for a variety of reasons. It has been argued that a nation will go to war if the benefits of war are deemed to outweigh the disadvantages and if there is a sense that there is not another mutually agreeable solution. More specifically, some have argued that wars are fought primarily for economic, religious, and political reasons. 

War has been a problem as long as we the people have existed. The furthest dated war goes back to 2700BCE in Mesopotamia. It was fought between Summer and Elam to keep the Elamites from invading and taking control of the Sumerians land. The Sumerians won and later constructed a great wall to keep the Elamites at bay. However, warfare pictographs of armies are dated back to 3500 BCE on walls. This means war was around before this first documented war. 

Things like war are often hidden from the public eye to prevent chaos and panic. Most of the time, war is inevitable because the government wants us to believe it must happen in order to resolve our issues with others. While we can keep our fingers crossed in hopes that war won't happen, it has a higher chance of becoming a reality than peace. 

Antiwar is defined as an opposition to war in general or to the conduct of a specific war. Websites like Antiwar.com and The American Conservative are hard to find because the government favors war. These websites contain information the government tries to silence and prevent the public from hearing. As a society, we're not supposed to speak out on war but instead, go along with what the government says is right for us. 

I think that the government tries to silence antiwar civilians because there are benefits from war. For example, war can strengthen the economy. It can provide jobs and help manufacturers to thrive that produce war materials. Next, there is a huge technological advancement by the end of each war. After World War II, we had fully functional planes that did not fully exist by 1900. Lastly, it creates a part of history that shapes the world. All of these factors are what influence the government to love war.

It is odd that the government goes to a great extinct to silence antiwar voices. Usually, when one tries to silence another, it's because one is guilty of doing whatever the other is trying to say. This may be the case with the government and antiwar civilians. 

In conclusion, the government silences the antiwar voices because they genuinely enjoy wartime. With war comes many benefits for the government. The more war that exsists, the more money the government is making behind our backs. As long as we have antiwar civilians, we as a community have someone that is willing to stand up for us. I fully support the antiwar voices and think they should continue to do their job and play their part in society. 

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