Thursday, November 10, 2022

EOTO Technology Presentations: Google

Life without Google seems unrealistic in today's age. I know that whenever I have a question, Google is the first thing I use to find an answer. More than 70 percent of worldwide online search requests are handled by Google, placing it at the heart of most internet users' experience. It's been around as long as my lifetime, however, the older generation knows what life was like before. While I may not remember how the invention of Google impacted the world, I learned more about history through my peer's research. 

Google was created in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The term "Google" was a misspelling of Page's plan to name it "Googol." By mid-1998, they started to receive outside financing. After raising around $1 million, they based their office in Menlo Park, California.

Once Google became the client search engine for Yahoo in 2000, business started to take off. By 2004, people were searching on Google 200 million times a day. This growth continued over the next twenty years. At the end of 2011, Google was handling some three billion searches per day. 

In the chart to the right, you can see the comparison of Google to other search engines in 2012. Google was averaging 1,168 million searches compared to others. Yahoo was only averaging 292 million. This is a huge difference between these two well-known search engines. 

Google became such a commonly used term to the point that it entered the dictionary as a verb in 2006. The term "to Google" became a popular expression meaning "to search the internet."  

Google started to create new additions to its platform. In 2005, Google Earth and Google Maps first came out. Then in 2006, Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets were introduced. Google Chrome was invented in 2008. Next, Google Drive appeared in 2012 as a way to organize some of these files. Lastly, Google Classroom came out in 2014. 

Overall, I learned a lot about Google that I didn't know before. Prior to the EOTO presentation, I knew Google was a search engine. Now I know it's quickly developed into much more than that and at an impressive rate. Google is the most popular search engine today and its earned this achievement through time and hard work. 

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