Thursday, December 1, 2022

EOTO The Five Eyes

 The Five Eyes Alliance (FVEY) is a cooperative intelligence network that monitors the electronic communications of citizens and foreign governments. This network of countries includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. FVEY is the result of the UKUSA Agreement of 1946 and is the world's oldest intelligence partnership. 

FVEY monitors the private communications of billions of people worldwide. They use communication methods such as signals intelligence (SIGINT) to monitor the citizens of other FVEY member countries. FVEY collects information by intercepting private communications like phone calls, faxes, emails, and text messages from infrastructure such as satellites, telephone networks, and fiber optic cables. Larger technology companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Paltalk, YouTube, AOL, Skype, and Apple all send records of user data to the FVEY. 

There are pros and cons of the FVEY. Some benefits include avoiding war with other countries in the alliance because we have the technology to know if there is a real threat to worry about or stop a bomb threat because we can read other people's communication. While both of these situations are not ideal, being able to avoid them is why the FVEY do what they do. 

Some cons that relate to the FVEY include an invasion of privacy. No one is able to do anything on their phones or computers without the FVEY tracking their every move. There is no privacy when the FVEY is able to track what you are doing on every app on your phone. There are no secrets that you can keep from the FVEY. 

As a whole, society is greatly impacted by the FVEY. As long as people are aware that they are being tracked and watched, it makes it difficult to be at ease and relaxed. We must act on our best behavior because others are watching our every move. This does not allow us to act like ourselves. Now, sure no one should be searching about inappropriate things such as how to start a war. But if someone wanted to research what leads to war and how to avoid it, this could be misunderstood. 

Misunderstandings happen all the time and in multiple situations. In this case, the FVEY could make a mistake. This could greatly impact certain people if they were being watched. Imagine if you were a true crime junky casually searching for serial killers and how they killed their victims. From an outsider's point of view, this could be alarming. If someone were watching your search history and found this information, they may be a little startled and make assumptions that are not true. The FVEY might flag you and be suspicious when in reality, there is actually no real threat. 

The FVEY has the right intentions to help people by tracking them online, however, it can be difficult to
fully understand how this is beneficial. Most people do not want the government involved in their personal life through social media and phone calls. But the FVEY gets involved only when necessary. If you are making a call to your friend about your new puppy, the government has no interest in this conversation. However, if you are on the phone talking about starting a riot, the government may have to take note of this to prevent any damage from happening. 

I think the FVEY is a necessary aspect of the government. We need someone who is willing to track others on their devices to prevent future harm. Without the FVEY, there could be seriously damaging events that take place every day. I do not agree with being tracked and having my conversations recorded, but if that is what it takes to be safe in today's world then that is fine by me. 

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